
Bowman Edebohls

Who's Bowman Edebohls?
I'm Bowman Edebohls! I usually go by Bowie.

I'm a first-year Computer Engineering student at Cal Poly SLO, but I've been programming since high school. I like to sail, read, and mess around with computers. Check "Projects" and "Hobbies" for more details on each of these.
About this site

How's this site set up?

This site's running on an AWS EC2 instance. Right now it's just TS/HTML/CSS, but once I get BowAI up and running there'll be some Python hiding somewhere in here.

Why does this site look like this?

I wanted to move away from some of the overused features I see a lot of portfolio sites use.
No hate towards that area of design, I just felt like doing something different.

What, you think you're a frontend developer?

I'm more of a backend guy, but I did have some fun graphic-designing this page.